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About The Shapes and Form Feng Shui

About The Shapes and Form Feng Shui


Picture showing a Dragon's outline resembling a hill

Feng Shui is about trying to increase a person's `earth' luck coming from the house.

And should be applied in a `holistic' way.

In Traditional Feng Shui there are principally two major schools-

a. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui
b. Compass School (The Flying Star and The Eight House Theory)

I feel that the most crucial aspect of Feng Shui is the house's Shape and Form i.e. can the house collect wealth? If the house can collect wealth (based on Shapes and Form) Feng Shui, then one may not do a FS audit and yet, luck flows in to the owners. This would account for many people who never seek FS advise yet, have very good luck (most of the time).

I have thus coined this " Quantum Leap " in Feng Shui. Where, one would already receive say 50% to 70% added luck for the house. For excellent houses, such Quantum Leap in Feng Shui luck can even be as high as 90%.

Many of us, only concentrate in trying to boost the luck in the interior of the home. But if the Shapes and Form of the house (exterior i.e. site, land and building) is poorly situated, then, whatever we try to improve internally e.g. using Flyng Star is to avoid e.g. seasonal changes of luck only. For example, if there are bad stars in a particular year or month, and if it is not corrected, it can lead to e.g. sickness or some other misfortunes.

In our quest to improve the interior of the home, one should never forget the larger whole i.e. the exterior (Shapes and Form) Feng Shui.

As much as we would like to apply Feng Shui as fast as we can, it is best to understand the rationale for each School and try to understand the purpose of each school.

For Shapes and Form Feng Shui, you can tour the resources in this site or simply get a book on Shapes and Form Feng Shui.

As for other theories, you can start say with Eight House and depending on your interest, may progress further.

As the saying goes.. Rome is not built in a day...

In modern conditions where a lot of people live in apartment buildings in crowded cities one wonders whether the correct form has a true interpretation.

In a modern crowded city, one should instead look at Feng Shui at a macro level.

Here, cities should instead be considered instead as at a micro level. Many cities come under this definition. Where, wealth creation is based on (for the majority) the wealth created within the city.

Thus, it would explan one's puzzlement as to how do we look at Feng Shui of an apartment say which is surrounded by similar apartments or buildings and where streets may be relatively rectangular in shape and cross each other at intersections.

Overall, as mentioned earlier, for a city, we can consider wealth as overall part of the entire city.

However, if one is `luckier', there are sites within a city that are considered more auspicious than other sites. Here, these are sites that in particular has the movement of the dragon, flowing from the upper reaches down to the sea. Some buildings, avoid trapping the dragon and may have open spaces or clear glass panels to allow the dragon (and the dragon qi) to move downwards towards the sea.

Sites that can accumulate wealth are considered advantages here. You may need a good FS practitioner to review this. The other concept is how your building relates to the other surrounding buildings.

Each building can be considered or classified under a specific element. Thus one competitive advantage is to have your building generate wealth at the expense of other buildings.

Another point is that, `protect, protect, protect'. Buildings should be protected against any poison arrows aimed at it.

Currently it is very difficult for me to recommend any remedy unless, you are able to furnish more details or if possible pictures of surrounding building and your building for further comments.

Tragedy of the Twin Towers of World Trade Centre

We are all sadden by the acts of terrorism against America. Coincidentally, under Shapes and Form Feng Shui; the two tallest (twin towers) are considered inauspicious shapes. This is because, the two towers is symbolic of an offering of " Two jossticks " e.g. during a funeral rites. In Asia, when we visit a `wake' (funeral of a loved one of our friends/relative); we pay our respects by lighting up of joss sticks - as a respect to the deceased. We would offer the joss sticks in front of the coffin and for some, bow three times. Thus, two large buidlings e.g. sticking out like two joss sticks spells inauspiciousness and represent death. Coincidentally, this has unfortunately happened. It would be difficult in China or Asia, for buildings to have twin towers; particularly that tall. A building may have one tower taller (but the second tower should be lower). For example: the United Overseas Bank (UOB), Singapore and the Westin Hotel, Singapore both have one tall tower and a shorter second tower. This would negate the bad symbolism of an offering of two joss sticks. Thus, it was sad that eventually, when we see the two buildings on fire, they looked like two joss sticks on fire.

Further to this, we usually want to know where is the `head of the house'.

This is quite similar to the situation of the fatal error of `chopping' off the head of the house.

Ref: Case Study: House influenced by Feng Shui

If we look again at symbolism in Feng Shui we can imagine that the two twin towers are like the two human legs. Where the head (like an ostrich) buries his head underground and its body is in the middle.

We can imagine an "upside-down" person with his head buried in the ground and his body holding the two legs sticking up in the air.

This "ostrich effect" of an `upside down person' kicking its two legs above, shows dire predictament.

And is another Shapes and Form `interpretation' of the inauspiciousness of the twin towers.

Under the Shapes and Form Feng Shui, another bad omen is that the twin towers resemble a tuning fork. Because, such towers uses steel/metal girdles or frames, depending on the wind conditions, with such tall structures, they would `resonate' between each other like a tuning fork (creating Sha Qi).

This is why, for building construction (Feng Shui) it would be best to construct a single tall structure (that is not attached to a twin tower).



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