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Topic: Sharing a happy home
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 10168
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 2/4/2002 07:39 PM

Dear Becky,

1. Yes, you brought up a good point. Often, you will see Feng Shui practitioners analysing a birth chart of a house. Without due consideration of e.g. two parties (husband and wife) sharing a room.

2. Please check out this url:-


3. This sample report gives a comparison of e.g. husband (strong metal) and wife (weak wood). The binding elements to get the two parties to be compatible or reduce conflict is Water element.

4. Thus, this is known as the `binding' element. And it is recommended that for the bedroom of the two persons; we can use the binding element of water. And if they own the house, they can do with more of this element especially in the bedroom area.

5. The same goes for comparision of the binding element for two children staying in the same bedroom.

6. For example, if both a person's son (Weak wood) and daughter (strong earth) are staying in the same room; the binding element is wood element.

7. In my on-line and offsite audits; I have a table drawn of the combination of binding elements between two parties e.g.

- Husband & Wife = binding element = wood
(Strong Earth vs Weak Wood)

- Husband & son
- Husband & daugther
- Wife a& son
- Wife & daugther

8. Such an analysis also tells whether which family member gets along very well with each other or whether, some effort is needed (incompatbile issues) etc...

9. Thus as you have mentioned, the binding element concept is the key to `bind' e.g. the husband and wife.

10. Therefore, in Feng Shui or Pillars of Destiny; it is not so simple as buying an object and placing it at a sector e.g. South-West (romance sector).

11. If one really understands or want to use Traditional methods; it is certainly not the "instant coffee" type of approach.

12. As you can see; most of the time; whatever questions we have would have been `anticipated' or thought about carefully. Especially if both Feng Shui and Pillars of Destiny has been taken seriously.

But I believe; if you go and ask many practitioners they may just give a " huh? " is that so...

Warmest Regards,

On 2/4/2002 3:33:00 PM, Becky Bell wrote:
>I am very, very new to feng
>shui...in fact, i really just
>started really reading about
>it last week. After taking
>some personalised reports and
>things like that, a thought
>occurred to me...if you share
>a house, bedroom, bed, and
>everything with another
>person, how do you create a
>wonderful feng shui-happy home
>for both of you with
>conflicting best positions,

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If you are visting any Geomancy / Feng Shui websites, often try to check out what products they are selling to guage the authencity of a Geomancy website. "

Many would ask: "Why not make extra money at user's expense. Our reply would be NEVER! " Cecil Lee (hmm.. unless over my dead body!)

-- Extract of REPLY TO e-mail message --

Dear "name removed",

Thank you for your interest in working with us.

However, we have a strict policy of not selling any products on our website.This is so as to allow us to provide only professional consultation services without being influenced about selling additional products.

Hope you understand.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

--- FROM e-mail message -- 

"name-removed" wrote in message

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I am in the business of doing landscaping and water features. There have been a growing trend of people having a water feature to enhance their fengshui in their home.
Do visit my site for more information : removed...

I am interested to advertise my website in your site. I am also hopeful that we can co operate in other way. That is, I hope that you can refer clients that are interested to do a water feature to me. If the deal is clinched, commission will be paid to you. This will serve as an extra income to you.

Please contact me at HP no. (removed) or reply to this email.

I sincerely hope that we can explore this opportunity together.

name removed
10 May 2004

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