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Topic: Enhancing SE sector for Yr 2002
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 10298
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 2/18/2002 09:42 PM

Dear Rameshwaran,

Please see below:-

On 2/15/2002 11:14:00 PM, Rameshwaran Thendayuthapani wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>In my previous note, I had
>stated that my bedroom is
>located at the SE-S sectors.
>Looking at the Flying Stars
>for Yr 2002, the White Star #6
>occupies SE sector, while
>according to my apartment's
>natal chart, the apartment Li,
>sitting at the south, has
>white star #8 occupies SE
>until Feb Yr 2004. My 1st
>question is: In order to tap
>the wealth and prosperity
>created in this SE sector,
>other than water/water
>features (which cannot be used
>in a bedroom) what other
>remedies that can be applied
>to replace and get similar
>strength of enhancers/remedies
>for this sector?

1. If it is the bedroom, then allow as much `clear space' around the centre area of the bedroom.

2. There is usually no way to squeeze out enhancements at sectors that one should not activate water positions e.g. in the bedroom.

3. This is equally similar to mountain stars - found.

3.1 For example: If a mountain star is found at the frontage of the house e.g. main entrance - as much as we would like to `activate' something e.g. a mountain star to activate luck -- this is not possible or feasbile.

3.2 "It is like placing a mountain at the frontage" of the house. Where water or clear space is required."

4. Therefore, it is best always to understand each and every concept. As mentioned in earlier postings: the three step approach.

5. It not only apply to understanding the main theory e.g. Flying Star but also segments or sub-concepts.

6. For example:-
Step 1: What is the aim or purpose of mountain star?

Step 2: What are it's strengths?

(It is good to do some homework on the above two).

Step 3: What are it's weakness? As I have clarified above under Para 3.1 - it's weakness is that it is suppose to provide a solid backing and it is impossible or `fatal' to block a frontage with a mountain.

7. Even with `creativity' we will only be killing ourselves if we ever place a `mountain' at the front of the door.

8. For example: Let's say the mountain star is indeed at the main entrance. A " nut-case " may simply place two rocks (maybe or perhaps) supported by string above the two doors.

9. There can be a chance that gravity would one day bring the rock falling and crashing down. Maybe the "nut-case" has a thick skull and survived. But what happens if it is his/her young child who was struck with it.

>My second question is: If the
>NW (northwest) sector is not a
>favourable sector for a Qua
>person #3, thats me, how can
>we still tap on the auspicious
>star that occupies this sector
>while not tapping bad things
>for the Qua person #3?

10. If one does not spent time at a sector, even if that sector is a good sector (other than the main door) there is relatively not much impact on him/her.

11. But if say this is the bedroom - then, the "First rule" is if one applys Flying Star Feng Shui - cure it... cure it...

12. Once this sector is cured under Flying Star (in particular the 20 year Flying Star analysis): if this sector is a good sector under one's Gua (Kua) isn't this a bonus.

13. Again, it is best to understand the purpose/aim/strength/weakenss of each concept carefully.

14. By doing so, we can see if it is `productive' or more importantly FEASIBLE to apply concepts.

15. In my opinion, there are many people who are `thrown' into a vicious cycle of trying to "squeeze" every drop or way above the specifications of that concept/theory.

16. If we purchase a 2 seater car. Can we expect to squeeze 4 people into it? Tie them to the roof? to the bonnet etc...

17. In my personal opinion, I have always (for myself) taken the easiest route -- Quantum Leap by identifying good homes.

And on a personal self, (Honestly) other than making sure the Shapes and Form are excellent; my bedrooms/main door is favourable for me and Flying Star with excellent e.g. double 7's -- Frankly, I have not done much more than to neutralise poison arrows (even if houses are excellent ones).

I feel that this is quantum leap -- the `armchair style' and not many of the ills of trying to squeeze out (by any means) of the interior of the house. Which can yield only marginal returns or if done wrongly -- even twice the negative effects.

Warmest Regards,

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User's Comments
..such a wonderful website Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Dear Master Lee:

I'm new to geomancy and have found the photo tours of interests extremely helpful (just like they said "a picture speaks a thousand words").  Thank you for having such a wonderful website.

Pam Landin
Feng Shui Newbie
8 September 2004

Dear Mr Lee

Thanks for the beautiful efforts made on your upated flying stars report.  Its fascinating. 

8 September 2004

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