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Topic: Re: Five Yellows (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 1137
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 6/7/1999 02:05 PM

Dear Glyn,

Thanks for bring up this subject.

First of all, for the benefit of those who do not know what is the " Deadly
five yellows ", I will give a brief sumarry of the points relating to it
although it has been covered earlier on in this forum. (For those who want
to read earlier messages can try to use the " Search " feature once you
logged into www.geomancy-forum.com Perhaps search for " Five yellow ".

1. Feng Shui `revolves' around the Five Elements Concept. Here, the
Five Elements is represented by either a name or a number or a colour or a
combination of them.

For example, lets look at the element " Earth ". Under the Five
Elements Concept, Earth is one of the 5 elements and it also represents:

Element, Colour and Number
Earth, yellow and the number Five.

2. From the above, we can now understand that " Five yellow " actually
represents the Earth element.

3. In this `Rabbit' Year, under the Flying Star (base star), the
inauspicious number 5 happens to be at the South. This is also called the
`Bad 5 yellow '.

Generally, this is good for book authors as there is something to write
about for the general public. This was `told' to those who know about it
before the beginning of this year. How is it that so many of us are
unaffected by this?

Well, for one, the Flying Star can be as general as one wants it to be or as
complicated as one wants it to get. In the above example we are only
looking at the base number of the Flying Star. Remember that under the
Flying Star House Chart, there are two stars flying above this base number.

For those who know abit of the flying star or have generated the
computerised report will see something like:-

4 5

Where in this particular situation, this topic of " Five Yellow " happens to
be the base number. It is as good as saying that all houses must have

We must fine tune this and include the other two stars (above the base
star). One of the stairs is called the mountain star (sitting star) and the
water star (facing star) and it's relationship in other to get a better

Even the remarks " during the eighth lunar month it is doubly bad." is also
a generalised statement. Does it affect everyone? The answer is no.
For two reasons:-

1. We have not done a `personalised' Flying Star Chart. If so, the
`personalised ' chart definitely takes precedence over the above generalised

2. The Flying Star Chart can analyse a Period, a year, a month, a day, an
hour and minutes. Even the eight lunar month can be subdivided into days of
the month, hour and mintues. Each alternate day is yang, yin and a
particular element govern each day.

Therefore, what I am trying to say is, it is not always adviseable to follow
generalised statements if you have more ` exact ' or personalised details
about ourselves.

I like to leave this thought: " Books or general advice can only be given
to a wide public but it does not necessary hold true for everyone. "
One test is : with so much remarks raised about the Bad Five Yellow at the
South since the start of the year, are you personally affected by it? or
does everyone in your family affected by it? If your answer is NO, then, you
have made the first move in `discounting' such general talk.

Warmest Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 4:02 PM
Subject: Five Yellows

>From: "Glyn Foster"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>Hi Cecil
>Would you please explain what the "Deadly five yellows" are which I believe
are in the south this year. I also read that during the eighth lunar month
it is doubly bad.
>Is this a general comment. Would not the Flying Stars of this sector in
each individual house have to be taken into account before one can say,
hang a 5 rod metal wind chime in the south or have a water feature in the
south ?
>In my particular case I have pot plants and a water feature.
>Perhaps other forum members may also be interested in your expert
>Many thanks
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User's Comments
Once again I turn to you ..for your honesty.. Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Master Lee...Once again I turn to you for your honesty on the subject of feng shui. I've written in the past and respect your advise...... Thank you.

Lee Waterman
25 February 2004

Respected Sir,

Thank you a lot for this informative forum through which I have gained knowledge of trying to balance the elements in sector through flying star fengshui.

I was fearful of flying of stars to period 8 but going through your forum eased my worry.

Jagmukesh, 5 February 2004

" Found out this site not too long ago. Thank you and i really like your web site."  Cindy Wong, Singapore, 20 September 2004

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