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Topic: Bottle Gourd – Ideal Size
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 12554
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 1/15/2003 02:19 AM

Dear Janna,

1. In Feng Shui, some cures can easily be described or `imagined' for it's ability to react to the environment.

2. For example, most of the ills come from the earth or sickness stars are earth bound.

3. And majority of the cures are based on
Heaven qi (or metal qi). Or metal cures.

4. Therefore, things like metal wind chimes - that chime or produce sound is said to scatter away bad earth elements especially #5 misfortune or sickness.

5. Six Chinese copper coins (with square holes) is often strung together.

6. Taking a cue from the use of a empty glass jam jar, filled with 6 coins, 1 piece of gold flake and water with salt; in science, we are aware that there can be some chemical reaction of salt or sulfur on metals such as the copper coins. The advise here is to place this glass jar at a well ventilated place.

7. If we string a similar 6 copper coins. Perhaps, it is due to the action of the moisture which usually contains some acidity;

8. For example, I mentioned the case of the Rivervale Crest Condo. Perhaps, placing 6 coins hung along the windows facing the pool is the first defence.

9. Reference: Conference Info:: Singapore Property Review or simply do a SEARCH in this forum for Rivervale to find out more about the problem related with this condo.

10. Here, since, units 15/16 are East-West facing, most of the `stagnant' in the pool will be shined on by the Sun say from 8.30am to even 2 pm for each entire day.

11. Because of the chlorine and even some body sweat (that goes into it - this is abit exaggerated) but such vapour rises and is trapped around the U shape of the condo.

12. Ultimately, such vapour perhaps has some acidity and it could perhaps have a chemical reaction with the string of copper coins. So far there is no concrete evidence of this, but neverthless, it is one possible senario.

13. Coming to the `bottle gourd', the idea behind this is based on Chinese legend.

14. In general, it is said that one Chinese deity uses such a `weapon' which is able to suck in bad elements into it.

15. Much like the early 1970's TV show: I dream of genie. Where the genie lives in such a bottle.

16. Personally, I cannot say for sure that it will work. Perhaps, it can work to boost our confidence or boost our Man (human) Luck. That's all.

17. I do not have full confidence that it CAN actually work. But, since this is part and parcel of one of the tools used by many Traditional FS practitioners; if it does not cost significantly that much, I can only say no harm.

18. Most of the time, I would instead, try to ask my clients to avoid a straight path of Qi e.g. from the main door, leaking out directly in a straight line to the opposite e.g. balcony window.

19. I will also inform the client that there are no guarantees with this kind of cure.

20. Yes, the size of the bottle gourd can be what u had described. Usually it can be either crystal, ceramic or even dried bottle gourd (from green to brown).

21. And usually, inscriptions are on it also.

22. Have you seen imitation `ming vase' that resemble a bottle gourd? Usually, there are display items that are either 1 foot high or even as high as 3 feet. This are often placed at corners with the same purpose. Sometimes, if it is not used for FS, some even use it as an umbrella stand.

23. Frankly, I find the bottle gourd is like a doctor prescribing a sugar coated pill. To make us feel nice; or increase our Man Luck.

24. I tend to take Para 23 more seriously.

25. More importantly, if we can first, fix the leak e.g. using a partition or screen, then we do not have to worry whether the bottle gourd will work or not.

26. After running the forum for so many years and seeing so many wrongful prescriptions, I have no choice but to promote the maxim: Fix-the-leak, First!

"The best offense is self-defense! With self-defence; we can live another day to enhance ourselves. And not go into a vicious cycle of not knowing what hit us..."

Warmest Regards,

On 1/14/2003 9:46:00 PM, Janna R wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Further, to the nice
>illustration you had shown in
>this forum advise archive, I
>went searching for a “Bottle
>Gourd”, but what I could
>manage from a shop, which
>sells lot of Chinese/Oriental
>Charms , is a “Ceramic Bottle
>Gourd (Similar to the shape
>you had posted in this forum)”
>for about a Dollar, but small
>(i.e about 7.5 centimeters in
>height, and the lower bulge at
>about 4 centimeters
>diameters). It is made in
>china, as it has Chinese
>letters beneath, and
>decorative pictures on it. Do
>you think, that this will be
>effective for example :a) to
>avoid chi flowing out from
>window or b) Bedroom next to
>toilet bowl wall etc???
>If not, what should be the
>ideal size of “Bottle Gourd”?
>Will ceramic material be
>effective ?
>Many thanks.

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