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Dear Anon,
1. I hope you can understand that the advice given is very general.
2. In Feng Shui there is always no two situation that is alike. Especially since many of us have different personal birth charts and the birth charts of family members.
3. As you can see, if you browse thru this forum, there are many variable and situations.
4. If you are refering to the East/West group or Eight House Charts; this is only one of the zig-saw puzzles.
5. I will always emphaise that, everyone must know the Purpose, Strength and Weakness of each concept.
6. It is always good to have the house fit the breadwinners. As this will reduce one `handicap'. Usually, for problems to occur in a house, there are at least two or more major `leaks'.
7. I believe, that everyone will agree that house hounting is one of the `tedious' tasks as it involves a major decision in our lives.
8. Since you are not too family with time dimension, please do more homework into this area.
9. You pose a question: do I need to know the Period etc... I would say WHY NOT?
10. Shapes and Forms are equally important also.
11. Knowing as much information, and FIRST finding out what they are specifically aimed to do is a Key success factor!
Warmest Regards,
On 1/26/2003 7:34:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Dear Master Cecil
>Just went on your free advice
>house hunting
>site. You listed houses that
>were best
>for me and then I went on the
>report to see if this house
>suited me. Do these reports
>give you the period also for
>best houses for a person to
>look for? Does one need to
>find the period and the
>direction of the house
>for it to be auspicious for
>them? Please
>clarify this for me
>Thank you
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