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Topic: Crystal roof lamp in the bed room
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 12914
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 2/23/2003 10:52 AM

Dear Ken,

1. Yes, since you feel uncomfortable, it is best to remove it as soon as possible.

2. Other information:

2.1 Often, since a bedroom is (more for rest), it is overall considered a yin location. And it would be better that bedroom lights should be balanced with more yang.

2.1.1 Yang is represented by 1, 3, 5 and 7 or odd numbers.

2.1.2 Thus since a bedroom is more yin, it would be better at the ceiling to use lights either 1 e.g. circular at the centre of the room or if one has cornice: lights as 3, 5 or 7. Often in an average Housing Board (public housing flat) 7 lights is already quite adequate.

3. Often, a crystal set of lights is more favoured in a living room as it's dispersion of light or perceived dispersion of light can sometimes to some of us create a more yang environment that could `unconsciously' threated our security or rest. But, often, this has more to do with one's tolerance than anything else. (Please see Para 4 illustration).

4. Sometimes, we hear of people removing TV sets from their bedrooms - because the heard that it was `bad' Feng Shui.

The most common `excuse' here is that when we sleep, our spirit leaves our body; and may get a shock seeing itself in the mirror.

But look at it from a different angle: But what IF? the spirit, is immune to the mirror and `loves' it. Perhaps, it would like to comb it's hair first (looking into the mirror) before `going somewhere'.

5. Locally, some of us can endure or even enjoy very hot chillies (here we call it chilli padi) - fresh small but very hot chillies much like those bottled as Tabasco sauce. But because it is fresh, it can truly `burn' one's lips... But some people are so immune to it.

6. Thus, perhaps you and I may not feel comfortable with the crystal light in the bedroom. But there is always someone out there who has no issue with it.

Warmest Regards,

On 2/22/2003 9:27:46 PM, Nntp Guest wrote:
>Dear Master Lee,
>I have got a crystal roof lamp
>(a gift) installed in
>the middle of the roof of the
>Since the crystals has got
>different shapes
>some are rounds, diamond shape
>and some are pointed,
>I feel quite uneasy with it
>esp. when the pointed
>ones POINTS right below at me
>when I
>am in a sleeping position.
>Is it advisable to remove the
>lamp ?
>Please advise.

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User's Comments
Your services are one of the best I have seen... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Hello Robert and Cecil,

I would like to offer compliments. you have a great web site offering excellent content. its focused and comprehensive and distinguished in the field.

In the English speaking world, your services are one of the best I have seen.

I understand you are offering a commercial service, concurrently you also make available informative services to a very large audience, which is excellent.

I feel saddened that there are those western modern stylists who claim to practice fengshui. browsing the on-line sites of these con-artists, they are mere fronts for hawking goods at crazy prices.

I am only curious of how to drive these bad elements out, as they are degrading a very well practiced tradition and cultural asset.

Best Regards,
Scott Chen
8 November 2003

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