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Topic: Feel disturbed in house
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 3878
From: Anonymous
Date: 1/5/2000 08:57 PM

Dear Cecil,
I like the new look of the site, very colourful and bold, except at times it is slower to download.
I am going to bug you about a query I had posted on Dec. 9, 99 under the topic 'House does not feel right'. I have re-posted the query and your replies below. You had asked for my birth date and time. I had posted the same with more details about the house, but I'm not sure whether you got it, because there has been no reply from you.
My detailed reply to your query is below. If you could please have a look and advise.

I have been trying very hard to overcome those funny feelings I get. Overall, I feel better, yet I still have problems getting to sleep at night.

Thanks and regards,


Dear Cecil,
Thanks so much for your replies. It makes me feel much better, specially because I felt a bit silly about the whole thing. As regards your queries, I am posting a few details here:
* A little about this house: It consists of two flats side by side on the first floor. Each has a hall, kitchen and a bedroom. The flat numbers are 101 and 102. The main entrance is the door of flat 102, which is NE facing. A numerologist we know advised us to keep the NE direction because as per Hindu astrology, it is auspicious. He also said the number ‘102’which adds up to a 3 is not good and so asked us to write it as ‘102B’ for a more favourable number 5.
(Actually the original nos. were 103 and 104. Would it have been o.k. to buy a no.4 house? We had our reservations about it at that time. Then the builder changed his design and the numbers also changed)
* In the wall dividing the two flats, in the hall, we have made a small door. Along this wall, as per the 8 house theory, I have the death line. Do I need to put up a picture of any God on the wall to neutralise its effect?
* In between the two kitchens, we have taken out the dividing wall to allow free passage between the two flats. The toilet and bathroom in both flats face the open kitchen area.
We keep the toilet and bathroom doors always shut as far as possible. We have extended the kitchen platform in flat 101 so that the gas stove faces SE. The fridge, filter and drinking water vessels are next to each other, on the N-NE wall of the other kitchen.
* We have a lot of plants at home, but only in the halls and their window sills. None in the bedrooms. Is keeping a plant or two outside the main door for aesthetics okay?
* Outside my bedroom (which is facing SE-S), there is a huge open ground. Just to have some greenery, I went and planted about 11 trees in a row from one end of the building to the other end. The trees are 15ft. away from the building. It’s been a year and a half now and the trees are growing well. The ones in front of my window, a karanj and a neem, are about 6ft high.
* We have two wardrobe mirrors, but I keep them covered at bedtime. The hand mirror is always kept face down. I love collecting shells and have a boxful of them atop one cupboard. There are other shell decorated holders and paperweights too. Anything to this, ‘cause I was told once that such stuff should not be kept in the house.
* My birth date is 3.6.1962 and time and day is 7.15 am, Sunday. My sister is elder to me.
* Noticed an odd thing - I get these funny feelings more strongly in the central area of the house - where the 2 kitchens, the toilets and bathrooms are, and even with a night light on. No matter how much I try to be in control, many times I restrict my movements in this area at night. But when I was sitting in the front room watching TV with my back to this area, I did not feel a thing.
But, when sleeping, I can see a part of this area from my bed, and I tend to get tense, keep awake and staring as if lot of invisible things are moving out there.
Then is it all just a trick of the mind?

Well, that’s a whole lot of stuff I am posting. So please bear with me.

Thanks a lot,



On 12/6/99 8:59:25 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>Dear Anon,
>Grateful, if you are able to
>provide me with your date of
>birth. Where possible also the
>time of birth.
>This is because, I have been
>investigating the use of
>Pillars of Destiny.
>For example, your Pillars of
>Destiny chart should usually
>have more Yin or at least half
>Yin and Yang to be in my
>opinion, able to feel `such
>However, in some cases, as
>Pillars of destiny is our
>Heaven Chart or Map, other
>influences like our
>experiences and other factors
>may increase our sixth sense,
>later in life. This would
>account for some with Yang
>influence yet sensititive to
>or able to detect Yin
>Alternatively, even if one is
>Yang, situations like a NE
>house and other Yin influences
>include too much water
>element, plants etc.. can
>create additional Yin forces.
>This includes the Flying `Yin'
>Thank you in advance.
>Warmest Regards,
>On 12/6/99 8:45:34 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
>>Dear Anon,
>>Thank you for your detailed
>>Under Feng Shui, there are a
>>few investigative `measures':
>>1. Check if there are any Yin
>>influences. For example,
>>outside the location of your
>>room are there plants or a
>>lone large tree just outside
>>your room.
>>2. Other Yin influences
>>include a few plants in the
>>home or even mirrors.
>>3. A Flying Star chart with
>>Yin stars can help to see if
>>there is Yin forces at the
>>room location.
>>4. For a North East house, if
>>you have not read the article,
>>do read:
>>5. Another technique is to use
>>a Luopan, if the compass
>>swings in circles, it had
>>detected a ghost.
>>Usually, one has to throw it
>>away as soon as possible. If
>>not, one gets sick keeping the
>>Hope you can provide more info
>>on the above.
>>Warmest Regards,
>>Cecil Lee
>>On 12/6/99 8:21:04 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>>>Dear Cecil,
>>>I stay with my sister and
>>>parents in a NE house. As per
>>>the 8 house theory, the house
>>>is okay for them, except for
>>>me - mine should be a SE
>>>facing house. It's been a year
>>>since we shifted into this
>>>house. The previous house we
>>>stayed in was also a NE house.
>>>There's something that bothers
>>>me and I wonder if feng shui
>>>could help in some way.
>>>As opposed to my very
>>>practical parents and sister,
>>>I have always been a sensitive
>>>sort. I get lots of intuitive
>>>hunches, get 'feelings and
>>>vibes' about people and
>>>places, etc. Lots of times, I
>>>get this very spooky feeling,
>>>as if someone is next to me
>>>and involuntarily turn around
>>>to look. Lots of times this
>>>happens after twilight.At
>>>night, I keep a night light
>>>on, but still find myself
>>>sleeping fitfully. I am afraid
>>>I might almost conjure up
>>>something . At first I thought
>>>it was an overactive
>>>imagination, but there's been
>>>too many times that I have
>>>experienced these
>>>'hair-stands-on-end' feelings.
>>>And to make it worse, I saw
>>>this new movie 'The Sixth
>>>Sense', which is making me
>>>feel even more spooked, even
>>>in daylight. Maybe here it's
>>>just my fevered brain at work,
>>>maybe not!.
>>>The funny part is that I have
>>>experienced these only in my
>>>own houses! I have slept over
>>>in my friend's place, even
>>>walked down a dark corridor to
>>>reach another room and I have
>>>been perfectly okay. So this
>>>psyches me all the more.
>>>Maybe with all this, I should
>>>be seeing a psychiatrist , but
>>>am curious to know if feng
>>>shui has any clues?

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