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Topic: Water fountain or Goldfish aquarium?
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 6727
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 8/8/2000 10:38 PM

Dear Major Sono,

1. For a building, usually (majority of the time), its Feng Shui depends on the entire building.

If the building has good " Feng Shui ", based on good shapes and forms and a good open space at the front.

If this building has been looked at under a Feng Shui perspective, it is said that it good for the tenants.

2. In your case, (the building) of the house if it already has good Feng Shui properties, and if there is already a water position at the frontage, it is usually not necessary for you to have a water position in your office reception area.

3. As I mentioned in the earlier mail, Shapes and Form Feng Shui is equally important for layout placement.

Thus, based on Shapes and Form, your office seems to be situated in a favourable position. You should take note that your table should lean against a support i.e. a wall and if possible, the back of your table should preferably not have windows but rather (if possible) a solid wall).

In the above, I would consider, that having a good Shapes and Form is indeed a plus point and usually, an advantage.

However, if one is able to hire a competent FS consultant, he/she would further visually look at the entire office and even cross-reference to other FS theories like Flying Star to look at the reception area, your office and the entire office. This would indeed be a further advantage.

4. A good Feng Shui consultant would analyse the chart of the office and look at the `Qi' flowing firstly into the reception and into the entire office i.e. either to look at situating the reception at the centre or on one side of the reception area.

If a water position, recommend the location and placement.

5. In general, a water fountain, would be a better choice than a fish tank:

5.1 A water fountain, is easier to maintain and depending on its size, is considered `more vibrant' than a fish tank.

A fish tank is usually encased (or enclosed on the top) and it is said that `qi' is contained and not as vibrant as say of the fountain / waterfall.

In addition, it is much more harder to maintain a fish tank. You also have to consider the type of fish and for some even the shape of the fish tank and the number of fishes.

A fish tank (usually) is meant more to correct `sha qi' than say as a `hobby' of wanting to keep fishes.

As each office and building is different, I can on `paper' provide a guideline as what to expect and usually, if one can, it is best to consult a competent FS Consultant (where possible).

Warmest Regards,

On 8/8/00 10:08:00 AM, Major Sono wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Thank you for you reply to my
>earlier email.
>Just to clarify:
>1) You are saying that it is
>good that I am sitting
>diagonally opposite from the
>entrance since I am the head
>of the company.
>2)The fact that I am facing
>east(being a west group
>person)is not really a
>On a separate note-
>What is better for an office
>A fish aquarium or a water
>I would like to put one of the
>two in the reception area.
>Thanks very much for your

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Dear Master Lee,

I have read some of your answers (in the forum) ....you are a genius!

Many Blessings to you for all your help.

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Hello Master Lee,

By the way - you have a fantastic website and I love reading all the posts and your replies.

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