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Topic: Need assessment of house
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 7181
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 10/17/2000 09:04 AM

Dear Cheui May,

Please see below:-

On 10/15/00 5:55:00 AM, Cheui May Heui wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>I am finally getting out of
>this Feng Shui nightmare
>house. I have found a house
>that I feel very comfortable
>in and I am considering moving
>into it.

It is good to feel very comfortable in the new house which is a good start.

>You said in many messages that
>if you have good form Feng
>Shui, the battle is half won.
>I've carefully looked over the
>house and made sure that the
>there are no missing sections.
>The toilet, stove and sink are
>not in the center of the house
>and the stove and toilet is
>not near the entrance, the
>toilet is not facing the
>dining room or the master
>bedroom or against the same
>wall as the headboard of the
>I know no matter what, I'm
>sure any place will be an
>improvement over the house
>that I'm in now. But as you
>said, good Form Feng Shui is a
>very illusive thing, so I have
>a lot of questions I would
>like your opinion on.
>1. The house is situated on a
>side of a very steep hill over
>looking the city. The road
>goes uphill from right to left
>so the house on the left side
>is sits higher on the hill
>than the house on the right.
>My question is would that be a
>problem, since according to
>good Feng Shui, the dragon, on
>the right should be higher
>than the tiger on the left and
>this house is the opposite.
>If it is bad Feng Shui, is
>there a remedy for it?

Overall, it is still difficult to have a `feel' just by description alone. Pictures would be useful.

For a house on a hill, the chief concerns are:

1. It shold not be on top of the hill such that the house is `exposed' e.g. no proper trees etc.. to protect it. Thus may inadvertenly be subjected to sha qi ... i.e. exposed wind blowing..

2. If it is next to a steep slope, check the steep slope for possible present or future soil erosion especially if it is of `soft sand' and not solid rock slopes.

If the slope is of soft sand, is there any natural protection e.g. strongly rooted trees or plants or any manmade support.

3. As mentioned, without any view of it, it is difficult to comment on whether there is harmony of the dragon with the tiger or whether, the site can accumulate wealth or allowed to be washed away.

4. Para 3 - with regards to accumulation of wealth has to do more with finance rather than woes related to usually misfortune or sickness. But it depends.

>2. The back of the house has
>the backing of the hill and
>the front has a view of the
>city. There is a lone
>telephone pole cutting through
>the front door from across the
>street about two hundred feet
>away. I don't know if it
>poses a threat in this case,
>since the house sits so much
>higher on the hill then the
>pole that only the top few
>feet of the pole is visible
>from the door.

Even excellent houses or good or average houses are exposed to poison arrows which can still be corrected or neutralised.

>Also all the
>houses in the front are way
>below this one so there would
>be a clear view except that
>there are tree branches from
>both the left and right that
>covers the view slightly from
>the front door. They're over
>fifty feet away and they are
>not directly in front of the
>door, so would they still be
>considered a threat?

Usually theses trees are not a threat especially if their tree trunks do not slice thru any of your house windows or door.

>3. All the trees are far away
>from the house so the house
>has a lot of light, but there
>is a tree in the North side
>that is about five feet from
>the house. Although it's tall,
>it doesn't keep the sun out,
>so would that be OK?

This sounds ok to me.

>4. I'm still confused as what
>entrance would be good for me.
>In the eight house theory.
>The main entrance of this
>house would be very bad for me
>since it is in the South East,
>and my Kua is Ken, but it is
>great for my boyfriend since
>his qua is Li, but that is
>based on the element of the
>year of our birth only and not
>the true element.

We have `discussed' this in one of the recent replies today i.e. West or NW facing based on your friends birth chart.

>Now even though the main
>entrance is in the south East,
>there are two entrances in the
>back, one in the North, one in
>the West. Since we are both
>weak water:
>1. Would the back entrances be
>better for us?
>2. Would it remedy the problem
>for me if I just never use the
>South East entrance?
>3. When you analyze an area,
>in relationship to your
>pillars of Destiny, do you
>consider the imbalances in the
>chart? For instance, my
>boyfriend has 0% water, so I
>would think an entrance in the
>North or North West is good,
>but he has 60% earth, so maybe
>a South East entrance would be
>better to control the over
>balance of earth.

Please refer to today's reply on this.

Warmest Regards,

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User's Comments
... Thank you very much for the care... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net "Thank you very much for the care shown in doing my house audit. After your consultation, there's lot of opportunities coming to me. I therefore take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of me and my family's heart for all your good work, care and concern shown in auditing my house." -- Chew Siew Peng

Master Cecil: I again want to thank you for your guidance. You are very professional in your work! Have a great New Year! -- Mimi, January, 29 2003 (posting to Free Advice Forum)

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