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Topic: Wealth Area
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 8198
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 4/4/2001 10:57 AM

Dear Johnny,

Thanks for bring up this interesting question:

1. When we talk about wealth area, it is good to look at macro Feng Shui.

2. In macro Feng Shui, the traditional way is to look at a land where the dragon Qi can flow from within the land mass towards the sea.

3. For example, many Chinese cities were built where the dragon Qi flows towards the sea.

4. Such as a river, which can be considered a dragon where it flows from high above and merge with the sea.

6. This is truly considered the `wealth area' where populations, can grow and `create wealth'.

7. For Hong Kong, many buildings especially if they are at the mouth of the sea, have a clear opening to allow such a dragon flow from the land mass towards the sea.

8. The question asked for micro Feng Shui is:

8.1. If it so easy to determine one's wealth corner in the home, how is it that many of us are still confused and still shaking our head to try and find this wealth corner?

8.2. How is it that there is no specific book that is written purely on `Location of Wealth' Sector.

If such a book exist i.e. either it is not real or the author would try to make it even more ambiguious and many people who having read the book would ask the same question as you do... ' How do we locate where the wealth area is? '.

8.3. Traditional FS is about the 5 elements concept and the balance of it at all sectors.

9. A more commonsense approach is to try to score as much marks in all areas of Feng Shui instead of relying on hearsay comments ie..

" Dear Friend,

Your wealth area is opposite your main door. "

We often hear many FS practitioners provide such an advise.

10. It is because most of us want to hear this.. and may not take kindly to a practitioner that says... " I really do not know where your wealth area/sector " is.

Perhaps, it is more comforting to hear from a practitioner that he had found the wealth area / or sector. If the practitioner says otherwise, unfortunately many of us, do not want to listen to the TRUTH.

For those who believe strongly in wealth area/sector... please continue to believe it... In my opinion, we should maximize our FS instead of placing such `silly notions'.

Warmest Regards,

On 4/3/01 12:45:00 PM, Yeo Johnny wrote:
>I read in some FS book
>regarding the wealth area in
>the home. How do we locate
>where the wealth area is or do
>we need a FS master to locate
>it and after locating it, how
>to activate it. Any tips?

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...Thank you for the effort you guys are doing... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net " My name is Daniel and i'm 17 years old. I live in New Zealand, located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Today life is worth a million dollars. Yesterday it was only worth 2 cents.

I can list a million things to tell you what feng shui has done to me in the last few weeks....

The information in the site is VERY VERY ACCURATE. without this site i think feng shui would die out because people won't trust it anymore.

Best of luck to everyone. And make sure you apply whatever it is correctly and always monitor the changes because the little things can be disasterous.

Thank you for the effort you guys are doing to making this world a better place."

Dan, New Zealand

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