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Topic: Pillar report: Other sections (Via Email)
Conf: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui), Msg: 912
From: Anon (Hidden from Privacy)
Date: 5/16/1999 12:06 AM

Dear Joe,

Please read below:-

-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 10:07 PM
Subject: disagree with pillar report

>From: "Anon"
>This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
>Dear Cecil or Robert,
>I received and studied my paid report for Pillars of Destiny of myself and
the Pillars for my spouse. We are confused and disagree with his element as
described in his report.
>It says he is a Strong Water but both of us feel he is more Strong Fire
simply b/c of his personality and physical characteristics.

Are you again refering to the personality and physical characteristics from
your knowledge of the "Harriet
Beinfield's book _Between Heaven and Earth_ (describes the 5 elements and
types of people, foods and Chinese medicine). " as well as your own personal

I viewed you and your spouse data. Interesting I noticed that in yours you
had lots of water, which made you feel that you were water, but in fact you
were weak Fire. Which when your acupuncturist told you to increase your
fire, it was pretty good as you were weak in Fire due to the many water
element in your life. Which happens to be correct because it was indeed
helping your weak Fire, and not what you had assumed as Water element.

As for your spouse, there are initally also 3 fire, but after combinations
had taken place you only had 2 fire left. In fact your spouse had 4 metal, 2
water, & 2 fire. Metal further strengthens the water, making your spouse a
Strong Water. For Strong Water, Wood is a good exhausion, or Fire is a good
controlling element for reducing the metal in your spouse data.

So far I noticed that your intuition has been pretty accurate in determining
the most suitable element for yourself and your spouse. However, a person's
intuition may not be able to differentiate a person's true element.

Secondly, I have no idea what the book which you have read has mentioned in
terms of how they use element to determine your personal characteristics or
personality. So far in the current pillars version, these analysis are not
included, simply because, a person's personality, can be pretty complex to
determine as it changes throughout a person's development, education etc.

Thus, it may not be accurate to use Pillar's Heavenly given luck and charts
to provide such analysis. Instead, many a times, using additional chinese
astrology, Three Lives (San Shi) or Chinese Numerology, Palmistry or Face
Reading theory is often more accurate as it takes into account other
influence not seen by Pillars.

So because of that, what I believe is that your intuition has already help
you to determine the elements which you should use to help your own elements
in order to benefit from it. I personally do not see much of a conflict,
except that, you are now more aware of the actual element which you are born
with, thus allowing you to further fine tune the cures and charts to your

Pillars alows you to know the true element such as weak Fire for yourself
and strong water for your spouse. These can be pretty different if they were
instead strong Fire or weak water. For yourself, Water is pretty strong
making your Fire weak, while Strong Water in your spouse, makes is necessary
to use Wood to exhuast or Fire to control.

Hope that helps to resolve your conflicts in your personal intuition and the
true elements.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

>I have followed the discussion of the Left and Right Brain theory in
Discussion forum,
>and I notice that I too am very Yin and intuitive. My intuition tells me
that my spouse is Fire. What insight do you have into my dilemma? As far
as we know, the correct birth data was entered.
>Please understand that I'm not implying that your calculations were wrong
or misleading.
>As far as I know, they are correct, but we just wonder how to resolve the
>Thank you.
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.. new revised 4P .. extraordinarily excellent .. Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net " I have been going thru my chart in your new revised 4 Pillars section which I must
say is extraordinarily excellent. " - Glyn Hezakiah

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