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User's Comments
...express our sincere gratitude to.... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net (1). Hi Cecil and Robert,

Thank you very much for participating in our Live Chat, all our members learned a lot from your pre-asked question answers as well as from the two hour session....the respond for this event was better than our last Live Chat. We have about 27 members taking part in the session.

We are proud to be the first arowana web site to be having such a comprehensive Q&A on the topic of fengshui.

I hope the attendance is within your expectation.....I guess both of you must have type non-stop for the whole of two hours. :)

The team of arowanaclub will like to express our sincere gratitude to the both of you for taking valuable time off.

Hope this exposure will increase more business for you.

Best regards
Victor Ng

(2). Hi Cecil

Your site is highly recommended by my friend. Have spent an hour surfing through your site and I must say it is really WONDERFUL. Angela C. (new forum member)

(3). Hi Master Cecil & Master Robert,

Thanks for the speedy reply. I am really impressed with the efficient services provided by your company. May many more people also benefit from your geomancy services. Wishing You and Family A Prosperous and Fruitful New Year.

Best Wishes, Kian Pin, 1st February 2003

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Copyright 1996-onwards
Kappvest Infoserv Pte Ltd,
Cecil Lee & Robert Lee