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20-Year Flying Star Online Report

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This personalized report is prepared for Good House Demo:-

    House Name: Good House Demo
    20 Year Reigning Period: 3 (1904-1923)
    House Direction: N2 (0/360)

    Owner: Samuel Richard
    Gender: Male
    Date of Birth: 06 Mar 1970

Your Flying Star Chart in Period 3 (1904-1923):-


    Note: The location highlighted in red represents your main door.

A Summary of your Flying Star:-

Direction General Significance Element
North-West Education, Romance, Scandal (4) Metal
North Very Auspicious (8) Water
North-East Fading Prosperity (6) Earth
West Misfortune, Sickness (5) Metal
Center Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts (3) Earth
East Long Gone Prosperity (1) Wood
South-West Very Auspicious (9) Earth
South Current Prosperity (7) Fire
South-East Sickness (2) Wood

Current Sector direction
20-Year Chart  
20-year Star
Sector Description

Current Sector Description

    This portion of the report gives you the analysis of the base star. For this chart the base star represents the 20-Year Star. All this simply means that for the stars represents the influences for the entire 20-years. For example, 2 represents misfortune, 7 is current prosperity etc. How good the stars will depend on the influence of the base star as well as the Mountain and Water Star.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    This portion of the report uses the Five Element Relationship to analyse the effects created by combinations of stars. Knowing the influence created by the stars can give you better understanding of what element is causing the bad influence. And what kind of element cures should be applied. With this knowledge you can ensure that cures that you apply can also be related to the individual's Element. Most importantly is that you will then be able to create a more balance environment.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    81 Combinations are fixed detailed description of different combinations as the numbers of the stars comes together. It provides short explanation of the combination effects.

Activate Mountain Star

    Mountain Star can be activated if found in meets the necessary conditions. You can enjoy additional luck by activating it.

    How do you activate it?

    It must be against the wall on the direction of the sector if you want to activate the star. For example, if the sector is North-West, activate the star by putting an object with great mass at that direction. There should not be a window in the direction which you are trying to activate it.

    A link will be provided so that you can view the detailed influence created for the current year.

North-West direction
20-Year Chart  
Education, Romance, Scandal

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Education, Romance, Scandal (4) area. This location is good for the young especially those who are studying unless there is an inauspicious star in this location. It also means that romance could occur or on the negative side, a scandal could occur.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Strong Metal (6) vs Weak Fire (9)

    • Strong Metal (6) (Average Star) represents Fading Prosperity.

    • Weak Fire (9) (Auspicious Star) represents Very Auspicious.

    Relationship Analysis

    Congratulations! Metal (6) is controlled by Fire (9). Fire element helps to destroy Metal weaken it. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [6] & [9] - Fire disasters, Toothache, Headaches, lung illness.

Activate Mountain Star

    It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

North direction
20-Year Chart  
Main Door
Very Auspicious

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Very Auspicious (8) area. It is good to spent more time here provided there are no inauspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Strong Earth (2) vs Weak Wood (4)

    • Strong Earth (2) (Inauspicious Star) represents Sickness.

    • Weak Wood (4) (Inauspicious Star) represents Education, Romance, Scandal.

    Relationship Analysis

    Earth (2) is controlled by Wood (4). Wood element helps to destroy Earth weaken it. Both stars are inauspicious. Luckily, Earth is weaken but there is no elements to control Wood. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination.

    Proposed Solution
    Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [2] & [4] - Mother or Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law or Daughter cannot get along.

Activate Mountain Star

    No mountain star to activate.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

North-East direction
20-Year Chart  
Fading Prosperity

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Fading Prosperity (6) area. This means that your prosperity is on the decline.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Wood (4) vs Strong Earth (2)

    • Weak Wood (4) (Inauspicious Star) represents Education, Romance, Scandal.

    • Strong Earth (2) (Inauspicious Star) represents Sickness.

    Relationship Analysis

    Wood (4) destroys Earth (2). Earth element is destroyed or weaken by Wood. Both stars are inauspicious. Luckily, Earth is weaken but there is no elements to control Wood. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination.

    Proposed Solution
    Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood

Triple Combinations

    Congratulations! Your base star is Metal (6). This means that the base star element fulfills the proposed solution. This triple combination of Base Star, Mountain Star and Water Star neutralises the inauspicious influence created by the Flying Star. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [4] & [2] - Mother or Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law or Daughter cannot get along.

Activate Mountain Star

    No mountain star to activate.

Final Analysis

    This is an inauspicious sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

West direction
20-Year Chart  
Misfortune, Sickness

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Misfortune, Sickness (5) area. This means that if you sent too much time at this location, most likely you will fall seriously ill unless there are a combination of two lucky stars in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Earth (5) vs Weak Water (1)

    • Weak Earth (5) (Inauspicious Star) represents Misfortune, Sickness.

    • Weak Water (1) (Average Star) represents Long Gone Prosperity.

    Relationship Analysis

    Earth (5) destroys Water (1). Water element is destroyed or weaken by Earth. Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neturalize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination.

    Proposed Solution
    Make use of Wood to destroy and control Earth

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [5] & [1] - Illness and Sickness.

Activate Mountain Star

    No mountain star to activate.

Final Analysis

    This is an inauspicious sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

Center direction
20-Year Chart  
Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts (3) area. Avoid spending too much time here unless there is an auspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Metal (7) vs Weak Earth (8)

    • Weak Metal (7) (Auspicious Star) represents Current Prosperity.

    • Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Very Auspicious.

    Relationship Analysis

    Congratulations! Metal (7) helps to exhausts Earth (8). Earth element is weaken by Metal, which in turn makes Metal stronger. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [7] & [8] - Prosperity.

Activate Mountain Star

    It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

East direction
20-Year Chart  
Long Gone Prosperity

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Long Gone Prosperity (1) area. This means that you no longer enjoy prosperity in this square unless there is an auspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Fire (9) vs Strong Metal (6)

    • Weak Fire (9) (Auspicious Star) represents Very Auspicious.

    • Strong Metal (6) (Average Star) represents Fading Prosperity.

    Relationship Analysis

    Congratulations! Fire (9) destroys Metal (6). Metal element is destroyed or weaken by Fire. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [9] & [6] - Brain, Stomach illness.

Activate Mountain Star

    No mountain star to activate.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

South-West direction
20-Year Chart  
Very Auspicious

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Very Auspicious (9) area. It is good to spent more time here provided there are no inauspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Water (1) vs Weak Earth (5)

    • Weak Water (1) (Average Star) represents Long Gone Prosperity.

    • Weak Earth (5) (Inauspicious Star) represents Misfortune, Sickness.

    Relationship Analysis

    Water (1) is controlled by Earth (5). Earth element helps to destroy Water weaken it. Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neturalize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination.

    Proposed Solution
    Make use of Wood to destroy and control Earth

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [1] & [5] - Depends on Star 5 and the Base Star.

Activate Mountain Star

    It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

South direction
20-Year Chart  
Current Prosperity

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Current Prosperity (7) area. This means that you will enjoy lots of prosperity unless there is an inauspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Strong Wood (3) vs Strong Wood (3)

    • Strong Wood (3) (Auspicious Star) represents Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts.

    • Strong Wood (3) (Auspicious Star) represents Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts.

    Relationship Analysis

    Congratulations! Wood (3) has the same element as Wood (3). These two stars form the double (3). This happens to be in the period 3 which controls star 3. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [3] & [3] - Lawsuit, gossips, disputs struggle.

Activate Mountain Star

    No mountain star to activate.

Final Analysis

    This is an EXCELLENT sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.

South-East direction
20-Year Chart  

Current Sector Description

    Generally this location is your Sickness (2) area. This means that if you spent too much time at this location, most likely you will fall sick unless there is an auspicious star in this location.

Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)

    Analysing: Weak Earth (8) vs Weak Metal (7)

    • Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Very Auspicious.

    • Weak Metal (7) (Auspicious Star) represents Current Prosperity.

    Relationship Analysis

    Congratulations! Earth (8) helps to produce Metal (7). Metal element is being strengthened by Earth. Earth in turn becomes weaken after producing Metal. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination.

Eight-One Combination Explanation

    [8] & [7] - Prosperity, good wealth.

Activate Mountain Star

    It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

Final Analysis

    This is a GOOD sector!

    Click here to view the Yearly Analysis for the year 1999.


Samuel Richard's (Owner/Breadwinner) Eight House Chart:-

    Detail of Samuel Richard (Owner/Breadwinner):-
    Date of Birth: 6/3/1970
    Gender: Male



    Note: The location highlighted in red represents the ideal location of your main door.

Summary of Samuel Richard's (Owner/Breadwinner) Eight House Chart.

Direction Location Status Stuitable for
North-West Spook Bad: Uneasy, theft, robbery and financial loss. Storeroom or toilet.
North Health Good: Ideal situation for speedy recovery. Beds, doors, master bedroom and the dining table.
North-East Irritation Bad: Petty annoyances, disease, headaches, theft and infidelity. Toilet or kitchen.
West Death Bad: Poor health, accidents, misfortune and loss. Storeroom or toilet.
East Excellent Very Good: Prime Location, ideal for vitality Front door, beds and religious altars.
South-West Disaster Bad: Quarrels, frustration, disputes and legal problems. Storeroom or toilet.
South Prosperity Good: The Best location. Money luck and promotion. door, room doors, kitchen door, beds, working desks.
South-East Longevity Good: Ideal for health. Beds, bedrooms and dining table.

Summary of Samuel Richard's (Owner/Breadwinner) Flying Star Chart in relation to your Eight House Chart.

    According to the Eight House Chart, you are considered a East House Person. Your main door falls within one of your good sector (Health). Therefore this is a GOOD HOUSE for you.

Sample Application of Flying Star Chart to your layout plan.

    This is a sample of how you should divide your house into a 3 by 3 grid.

Additional Information:-

Tip on Renovating Your Home

    If you are doing renovations for your home, check out Grand Duke's Theory (see below) First.

What is the Grand Duke's Theory?

    The Chinese hold the Grand Duke in great esteem. The Grand Duke refers to the position of Jupiter in relation to each of the Chinese calendar year. For example in 1998, the year of the tiger, the grand duke is at 60 degrees or East-North-East:-

What's the benefit about knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year?

    You can improve your Feng Shui or take advantage of the Grand Duke by knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year. This is because sitting opposite or facing the Grand Duke will bring you misfortune, calamity, disaster or defeat. Try to avoid renovations or repairs in the location opposite the Grand Duke.

    The Grand Duke Theory can be applied to renovations and repairs to a house, office, building, a site, a city or country.

    In addition, Chinese generals in the past made use of this knowledge in battle. In recent times, for example, during the Gulf war in 1991, which is the year of the ram, the grand duke was at the South West. Saddam Hussein's troops were at the North East while the Allied forces were advancing from the South West. Saddam's forces were facing the Grand Duke! The Grand Duke was with the Allied forces.

    The morale of the story is not to confront the Grand Duke (facing him). Let the Grand Duke support you from behind.

How to improve your environment after knowing the Grand Duke Theory?

    1. Avoid sitting in a direction facing the grand duke as this will bring disasters and grave misfortune in that year. For example, if the grand duke is in North Direction, then sit facing North.

    2. Once you know where the Grand Duke is located for the year, avoid disturbing him by having any renovations or repairs in his location. For example, if the grand duke is in the North, avoid renovations in the North of your home/office.

What is the location in conflict?

    This is the location which is in conflict (as found in table below) with the Grand Duke position. This location also changes from year to year.

How to improve your environment after with the knowledge of the location in conflict?

    You should NOT have any renovations or repairs done opposite the location in conflict. For example, if the location in conflict is South, do not have any renovation done in the North Location.

Every year the Grand Duke's position changes (See table below).

Position of the Grand Duke and Location in Conflict for the Period (1904-1999).

Year Year of the Position of Grand Duke Location in Conflict
1904 Dragon East-South-East, 120 Degree South
1905 Snake South-South-East, 150 Degree East
1906 Horse South, 180 Degree North

Snipped to save download time.

1996 Rat North, 0 Degree South
1997 Ox North-North-East, 30 Degree East
1998 Tiger East-North-East, 60 Degree North
1999 Rabbit East, 90 Degree West

    Note: 0 Degree represents North, 30 Degree represents North-North-East and etc.. You can draw a chart in a clockwise with each division having a 30 Degree angle.

Yearly / Monthly Flying Star Chart

    Continue to view the Yearly/Monthly Flying Star Chart

Additional Consultation

    If you have any queries regarding your report and application of your report, feel free to e-mail Cecil Lee or Robert Lee.

    Please provide the following to make it easy for us to help you:-

  • Report Management Account
  • House Direction

    We will try to get back to you as soon as we can. Please understand that we receive lots of e-mail per day. Also, depending on the complexity of your question, it may take a while for us to get back to you.

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© 1998-1999, All rights reserved. This entire website, software and contents are protected by the copyright laws and international treaties that pertain to computer software. All reports generated, layout, input, output, analysis or otherwise, may not be reproduced, adapted, translated, reverse engineered or create derivative works based upon the website, software, contents or part thereof.

This Report was generated on 09 Nov 1999, 15:39:20 by 20-Year Flying Star Online v6.10

© 1998-1999, a collaboration between Geomancy Net & Kappvest Infoserv
© 1998-1999 Cecil Lee, Geomancy Net
© 1998-1999 Robert Lee, Kappvest Infoserv
© text, layout, input & output format, universal login manager.

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User's Comments our sincere gratitude to.... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net (1). Hi Cecil and Robert,

Thank you very much for participating in our Live Chat, all our members learned a lot from your pre-asked question answers as well as from the two hour session....the respond for this event was better than our last Live Chat. We have about 27 members taking part in the session.

We are proud to be the first arowana web site to be having such a comprehensive Q&A on the topic of fengshui.

I hope the attendance is within your expectation.....I guess both of you must have type non-stop for the whole of two hours. :)

The team of arowanaclub will like to express our sincere gratitude to the both of you for taking valuable time off.

Hope this exposure will increase more business for you.

Best regards
Victor Ng

(2). Hi Cecil

Your site is highly recommended by my friend. Have spent an hour surfing through your site and I must say it is really WONDERFUL. Angela C. (new forum member)

(3). Hi Master Cecil & Master Robert,

Thanks for the speedy reply. I am really impressed with the efficient services provided by your company. May many more people also benefit from your geomancy services. Wishing You and Family A Prosperous and Fruitful New Year.

Best Wishes, Kian Pin, 1st February 2003

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