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What Career suits me?

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This personalized report is prepared for Samuel Richard:-

    Gender: Male
    Date of Birth: 06 Mar 1970 between 3.00 p.m. to 4.59 p.m.

Chinese Lunar Date of Birth:-

    Lunar Date of Birth is 1970, 1st month, 29 day, between 3.00 p.m. to 4.59 p.m.

    Your Eight Characters of Birth Chart will be generated using Lunar Calendar as opposed to Seasonal Calendar (Xia Li Calendar or some like to call Chinese Solar). This has been found to be more accurate as it is able to see the blind and missing dates as opposed to the Seasonal Calendar.

    Difference in chart will only occur in the Month Pillar when Xia and Lunar are different. People who fall in this period are considered as blind dates not seen by Xia, as such pushing the month one pillar before.

    From our many testing with the two versions, it has shown that the Lunar chart produced a more accurate reading of their luck pillars. Especially, since many of the needed reference to the seasonal calendar has been taken into the analysis when necessary. Thus, the Lunar Chart has been choosen by Geomancy.Net for analysing a person's Pillars (Ba Zi).

Your Eight Characters of Birth Chart:-

Animal Sign
Heavenly Stem (HS)
Earthly Branch (EB)

yin Wood

yin Metal

yang Earth

yang Wood

yang Metal

yang Earth

    This report is not supposed to be a full Pillars of Destiny Report, as such only limited info will be provided for your reference. The report will fully analyse your chart based on Day, Month, Year, House of Conception, Hour & House of Life pillars.

    Hour and House of Life are only calculated if the Time of Birth is made known. However, you will only see the Day, Month, Year being displayed in the chart above. For the full detailed pillars, you have to obtain the full Pillars of Destiny report.

Your Career Stars

    This is the Career Star guiding the most suitable type of career that you will excel in.

Engineering Star

    Engineering work in careers in crafts, building or manufacturing. This is governed by the Engineering Star.

    There are a total of 12 different Career Stars which is unique for everyone. It represents the type career most suited for you.

Your Personal Career Elements

    There are several types of careers. Below are careers represented by your own personal elements based on your Pillar's Ten Deities.

Career with Wealth

    Element representing a career represented by your personal wealth element.

Description Element representation Total
Earned Wealth Earth 
Unexpected Wealth Earth 

    Since Earth represents your wealth, this means that a job representing this element would bring you wealth. This is because you will be creating more opportunities with your Wealth Deities.

    If you have a job with this element, you will likely be able to accumlate wealth.

    According to your Pillars, you will not completely enjoy this wealth unless you enhance yourself with Metal.

    This type of Career is not recommended unless you are in constant contact with Metal.

    Earth Elements Related Career
    Building Management, Customer relations, Civil engineering, Clothing, Construction, Customer Relations, Employee Relations, Estate Agency, Farming, Food industry, Games, Pottery, Real Estate, Recruitment, Sports , etc

Career with Power & Authority

    Element representing a career represented by your personal power and authority element.

Description Element representation Total
Authority Metal 
Determination Metal 

    Since Metal represents your power and auhority, this means that a job representing this element would mean that you will command great authority and power. This is because you will be creating more opportunities with your power and Authority Deities.

    If you have a job with this element, you will likely hold a top or influencial position in this job, or will likely be managing it.

    According to your Pillars, you will not benefit from this job unless you are in constant contact with Metal.

    This type of Career is not recommended for you.

    Metal Elements Related Career
    Accountancy, Banking, Coin mintage, Entertainment, Finance, Hardware, Investment, Jewelry, Loans, Management Consultancy, Mechanical Engineering, Money, Organisation, Perfume, Politics, Railway , etc

Suitable Favourable Career

    Here are careers (not leading to Great Wealth, Power or Authority) but are more beneficial for you if you are unable to find a suitable Career with Wealth or Career with Power and Authority.

    Accountancy, Banking, Coin mintage, Entertainment, Finance, Hardware, Investment, Jewelry, Loans, Management Consultancy, Mechanical Engineering, Money, Organisation, Perfume, Politics, Railway , etc

Summary of Career Choices

    If you can find a favourable career in Career with Wealth or Career with Power and Authority, you should select them as top prority. If the two Careers are not recommended, you are better off with the Suitable Favourable Career. This is because the Suitable Favourable Careers are elements favourable for you.

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© 1998-1999, All rights reserved. This entire website, software and contents are protected by the copyright laws and international treaties that pertain to computer software. All reports generated, layout, input, output, analysis or otherwise, may not be reproduced, adapted, translated, reverse engineered or create derivative works based upon the website, software, contents or part thereof.

This Report was generated on 09 Nov 1999, 15:33:34 by Pillars of Destiny Online v8.00 public beta (5 Aug 1999)

© 1998-1999, a collaboration between Geomancy Net & Kappvest Infoserv
© 1998-1999 Cecil Lee, Geomancy Net
© 1998-1999 Robert Lee, Kappvest Infoserv
© text, layout, input & output format, universal login manager.

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User's Comments
Your services are one of the best I have seen... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Hello Robert and Cecil,

I would like to offer compliments. you have a great web site offering excellent content. its focused and comprehensive and distinguished in the field.

In the English speaking world, your services are one of the best I have seen.

I understand you are offering a commercial service, concurrently you also make available informative services to a very large audience, which is excellent.

I feel saddened that there are those western modern stylists who claim to practice fengshui. browsing the on-line sites of these con-artists, they are mere fronts for hawking goods at crazy prices.

I am only curious of how to drive these bad elements out, as they are degrading a very well practiced tradition and cultural asset.

Best Regards,
Scott Chen
8 November 2003

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