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I am confused by a part of this section concerning determining the compass direction of the front door. Your instructions say: " For example if the compass reading for the main entrance door is between 337.5 degrees to 22.4 degrees then in the software program when asked to select the main entrance door direction, please select 15 degrees."
I have 2 questions:
1. What is the software program you refer to?

The software program refers to one of the software programs called "The Flying Star Theory (Chart) located at www.geomancy-online.com (One needs to first create a Report manager at geomancy-online.com in order to assess all the available software modules in the url)

2. Why select 15 degrees? The chart says 337.5 degrees to 22.4 degrees = 0 degrees or North House.

Under the Flying Star theory, it is very important to determine the exact degree of your house/office main door.

To do this, one has to first find the centrepoint of the house and after that, stand at this centrepoint and using a compass determine the exact degree the direction of the main door.

Why select 15 degrees?

Sorry, it is not so much of selecting 15 degrees but rather try as accurately as possible to match the degree of your main door entrance to a certain range of degrees.

For example, you found that your main door entrance is located at 20 degrees; then by looking at the range e.g. if it falls within 337.5 degrees to 22.4 degrees then your house is considered a NORTH house at 0 degrees.

Why is this so?

This is because under the Flying Star Theory, each 15 degrees means a different direction and each True compass direction has within it 3 sub-directions and you need this `proper' information in order to do a Flying Star report as the calculations may differ when choosing a different `North' direction.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
February 1999


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