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Introduction to Yin & Yang

A description of the Yinyang Symbol

The twin concepts of Yin and Yang are  peculiar to ancient Chinese cosmology. Yin and Yang are symbolized by the sun and the moon. They are the two opposing forces active in the universe.

Yin is said to exist in Yang and Yang exists in Yin. This changing combination of negative and positive, dark and light, cold and hot which keeps the world spinning creates Qi or the  life giving force of the universe. 

Yin (female)

Yang (male)

Earth, moon, dark, femine, negative, absorbing, receptive, winter, soft, cold, still  broken & even.

Heaven, sun, bright, fiery, moving, odd, powerful, masculine, active, summer.

Chinese Painting showing 3 dieties with the Yin & Yang Symbol

A 17th century Chinese painting  showing the 3 dieties:
(from left) Longevity (in yellow) dress, Prosperity (in blue) and Luck (in brown)  looking at a scroll of the yinyang symbol

The female principle of yin is associated with the earth, with the North and cold. Originally, Yin  means `shady side' which is the side of a mountain which is not facing the sun. The word is also used to mean the dark, cold room in  which ice was stored in summer. Yang is related to Heaven, South, the  Emperor, the dragon and all uneven numbers are yang-numbers.

In the Eight Trigrams,  Yin-lines e.g the One of the 8trigrams trigram and the unbroken Yang-lines of One of the 8trigrams trigram are unbroken.

The remaining 6 trigrams are made up of a combination of both yin and yang lines:

One of the 8trigramsOne of the 8trigramsOne of the 8trigramsOne of the 8trigramsOne of the 8trigramsOne of the 8trigrams 


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Very comprehensive website..packed with so much Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Dear Robert,

Thanks so much for replying to my E-mail, all the advices and insights are worth much much more than the minimal money I paid.

Thanks again for your help, and I will keep you posted for my progress.

Yours Sincerely,

Michelle Guo
September 11, 2004

Hi Cecil,

" Firstly, you have a very comprehensive website that is packed with so much info. It is very informative and it must have been a challenge to do so much.... "

" Thank you so much for your reply to my questions. I am grateful to you for sparing your time our of your busy schedule to be so precise in your answers."

Warm Regards
Janalin Tan
freelance writer
Home Concepts Magazine, Singapore
18 June 2004

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